Palijativni tim LiPa

2. prosinca 2022.

Prof. dr. sc. Veljko Đorđević, prim.,

Veljko Đorđević je izvanredni profesor na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Osnovnu školu i gimnaziju završio je u Osijeku, a 1975. studij medicine u Zagrebu. 1981. godinezavršava specijalizaciju iz psihijatrije, a 2005. užu specijalizaciju iz socijalne psihijatrije. Završio je niz poslijediplomskih studija, treninga i tečajeva iz raznih psihoterapijskih tehnika (biomedicina i zdravstvo – poslijediplomski studij, akupunktura, opća teorija sustava, hipnoterapija, edukacije iz transakcijske analize i dr). Kao specijalist psihijatar radio u Kliničkom bolničkom centru „Sestre milosrdnice“ do 1992., a od 2002. -2016. godine u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Zagreb. 0d 2011-2017 godine predstojnik je Centra za palijativnu medicinu, medicinsku etiku i komunikacijske vještine Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Bio je urednik i voditelj radio emisije „Čovjek je čovjeku lijek“, te urednik i voditelj radio- emisije „Povjerljivo s dr. Veljkom Đorđevićem“ (ukupno preko 1000 emisija). Autor je i urednik oko 650 televizijskih emisija „Ekspertiza“. Uz bogato kliničko, znanstveno, nastavno i stručno iskustvo, iznimno je aktivan i kao pisac. Član je Hrvatskog društva pisaca, objavio je 9 romana, četiri drame i niz drugih literarnih tekstova.

Prof. Veljko Đorđević, M.D., PhD

Veljko Đorđević is a professor at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb. He finished elementary school and high school in Osijek (Croatia), and in 1975 he studied medicine in Zagreb. In 1981, he completed his specialization in psychiatry, and in 2005, his sub-specialization in social psychiatry. He completed a series of postgraduate studies, training and courses in various psychotherapy techniques (biomedicine and healthcare – postgraduate studies, acupuncture, general systemic theory, hypnotherapy, education in transactional analysis, etc.). As a specialist psychiatrist, he worked at the “Sisters of Mercy” Clinical Hospital Center until 1992, and from 2002 to 2016. in the Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb. From 2011 to 2017, he was the head of the Center for Palliative Medicine, Medical Ethics and Communication Skills at the University of Zagreb School of Medicine. He was the editor and host of the radio show “Man is medicine for man- Homo homini remedium”, and the editor and host of the radio show “Confidential with Dr. Veljko Đorđević” (a total of over 1,000 broadcasts). He is the author and editor of about 650 TV shows “Expertise”. In addition to rich clinical, scientific, teaching and professional experience, he is also extremely active as a writer. He is a member of the Croatian Society of Writers, has published 9 novels, four plays and a number of other literary texts.

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